
What's in Your Hospital "Go" Bag?

personal bag, luggage, pumping bra

Hey mama; we know you’ve got a lot on your plate right now. Here’s something that will hopefully take some of the weight off your shoulders. We understand the amount of preparation and thought that goes into having a baby, so we decided to compile a list of things we at The Dairy Fairy recommend you have in your hospital bag on the big day. These essentials we picked out are sure to make that special day easier. 

Remember to pack for two (or even three...)

This might not be a surprise for our veteran mamas, but for all of our new moms reading, you should considering packing a bag for you, your baby, and maybe even your partner! While most hospitals do provide basic essential items for your newborn, it’s not guaranteed that they will have everything you and your baby need. It's always better to plan ahead and overpack, right? That's our vacation philosophy, and we're not changing tactics for our deliveries!

Here are some items you will want to pack before that special day. 

Mama’s Bag

-A change of clothes
-Your TDF Nursing/Pumping Bra x 3
-Comfy nursing night gown x 2
-Nursing tanks x 3
-Maternity underwear x 4
-A cute going home outfit


-Tooth brush
-Wash cloth
-Facewash, lotion
-Hair brush
-Sanitary wipes
-Small mirror
-Skin care
-Lip balm

Essential Items 

-Heavy day & night pads
-Nipple cream-Earplugs
-Prenatal vitamins
-A big water bottle
-Hospital pre-registration forms. This is highly recommend to speed up your hospital admission process
-ID/Driver's License

-Insurance card
-Phone charger
-Cash for vending machines
-Hand sanitizer
-Towel and washcloth
-Car seat 
-Car seat cover

Food and Entertainment

-Food during labor. Keep in mind that you will only be allowed to eat what your doctor approves for you so it's important that you have someone pack something healthy like a sandwich, fruits, veggies etc that way your partner or loved one doesn’t have to leave your side to find you food. 
-Snacks for after labor. While hospitals will provide you with meals they most likely won't be serving you snacks in the middle of the night so it’s best to pack your own favorite healthy nutritious snacks
-Laptop to stream movies and tv shows: The baby will be sleeping most of the time or getting their shots and tests so while that’s happening you’ll probably want something to keep you entertained and busy
-Your favorite novel
-Headphones to stream music from your phone
-Journal. You might be wondering why this is important; going through the pains of childbirth can be very traumatic so it's good to track your thought patterns. Plus, it's also a great way to preserve your memories of that special day. 


-Warming massager for your breasts

-Gift for siblings from the baby
-Goodies for the nurses and doctor
-Cash for vending machines
-Curling Iron
-Flat Iron


Baby's Bag

-Gloves (so the baby won’t scratch themselves... plus, they’re adorable!)
-Hat (hospitals usually provide this)
-Sleeper onesie 
-A cute going home outfit (because we already know you’re gonna wanna take as many pictures of your little one as possible)

-Any particular, essential items
-Receiving blanket
-Burp rag 
-Brush set
-Baby lotion 
-Diaper cream 
-At least 3 diapers


Partner’s Bag:

-A jacket 
-One change of clothes: preferably something comfortable like sweatpants and a t-shirt
-A change of underwear
-Comfortable socks

Essential items

-A comfortable pillow
-Phone charger
-Lip balm

-Food and entertainment 
-Camera: to take pictures and videos of this special moment
-Reusable water bottle
-Vending machine money
-A novel
-Laptop to stream movies and TV shows

Reading next

baby laughing and eating, baby smiling
orange shirt, black rose

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