Making a New Mom's Feel Special on Valentines Day

mom breastfeeding bottle feeding

Becoming a new mom is a joyous and transformative experience, and Valentine's Day provides the perfect opportunity to shower these incredible women with love and appreciation. While the traditional dinner-and-a-movie date might not be as feasible with a newborn, there are plenty of thoughtful and heartwarming ways to make Valentine's Day special for the new mom in your life. Here are some creative and heartfelt ideas to celebrate this day of love.

Fresh flowers are nice, but they don’t last long.  Our Ruby Nursing and hands free pumping bra in Zinnia, is a wearable floral bouquet that a mom can enjoy for months (or even years!) while she pumps and nurses effectively for her little one.  This award winning style, in limited edition color, is a best selling pumping bra that brings functionality and femininity to moms of all sizes. 

Personalized Keepsakes:

Consider gifting the new mom a personalized keepsake, such as a custom-made piece of jewelry with the baby's birthstone or initials or even from your own pumped breast milk, with a DIY kit from Milk and Honey Jewelry.

This thoughtful gesture not only celebrates the new addition to the family but also serves as a lasting reminder of the love and joy of a successful nursing and pumping journey.

Spa Day at Home:

A new mom's life can be hectic, and finding time for self-care can be a challenge. Create a spa day at home by arranging for a relaxing bath with scented soy candles by Rosie Jane.  

Pair with a cozy bathrobe, and pampering skincare products. This allows her to unwind and indulge in some much-needed self-care without leaving the comfort of home.

Memory Jar:

Capture the precious moments of parenthood by creating a memory jar together. Each of you can write down your favorite memories, thoughts, and wishes for the future on small pieces of paper. Place them in the jar, and over time, you can revisit and cherish these memories as a family.

In-home Date Night:

While going out might not be practical, you can recreate the romance of a date night at home. Prepare a delicious dinner, set a cozy atmosphere with candles and soft music, and enjoy a quiet evening together. If the baby needs attention, consider enlisting the help of a trusted friend or family member for a few hours.

Capture the Moment:

Hire a photographer for a family photoshoot or plan a DIY photoshoot at home. Capture the joy and love of the new family, creating beautiful memories that can be cherished for years to come.

Breakfast in Bed:

Start the day off on a special note by surprising the new mom with a delicious breakfast in bed. Whether it's heart-shaped pancakes or her favorite morning treat, this gesture will make her feel loved and appreciated from the moment she wakes up.

Subscription Services:

Consider subscribing to a monthly delivery service that aligns with the new mom's interests, whether it's a book club, a beauty box, or lactation supplements that are tasty and support her breastfeeding journey, like these chocolate lactation bites from Majka.

This ongoing gesture ensures that she feels cared for long after Valentine's Day.


Valentine's Day is not just about romantic love; it's also an opportunity to celebrate the beautiful journey of motherhood and nourishing your little one. These thoughtful and heartfelt ideas are sure to make any new mom feel cherished and loved on this special day. By acknowledging her dedication and the joy she brings to the family, you're not only celebrating Valentine's Day but also expressing gratitude for the incredible gift of motherhood.

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